Week 8 — Artist — Joseph DeLappe & Micol Hebron

Odalys Chavez-Luna
2 min readOct 19, 2020


Artist: Joseph DeLappe

Media: Sculpture, Installation
Website: http://www.delappe.net
Instagram: josephdelappe

Artist: Micol Hebron
Media: Intradiciplinary
Website: http://micolhebron.artcodeinc.com
Instagram: unicornkiller1

Two artists who are both similar and different in many ways are Joseph DeLappe and Micole Hebron. Joseph DeLappe is a game, invention, digital artist. He is a Professor at Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland and specializes in game and tactical media. He has had physical statue installations and digital installations such as Killbox. On the other hand, Micole Hebron is a been a feminist, photography, activist and artist. She is a professor at Chapman University and feminist best artist. When can tell from her Instagram page that she empowers others with things such as “feminist Fridays.” Both of these artist although very different or similar in that they both are professors and teach, and they both have installations of their art.

Both artists use different kinds of media to get their message across. For example Joseph uses digital media in a lot of his work while Micol uses photography for hers. Joseph tends to go for more physical and large statues including two of Gandhi that he produced. Micol uses feminism in her installments to depict the facts of how diverse art really is. She also tends to transform an entire room into her vision rather than have a piece in a room to show.

What the artists are trying to do in their lives or teach because they both are professors but were they teach is completely different in some ways. For example, Joseph's pieces show a more traditional digital route of art. In comparison, Micol uses not only her art, but also her platforms including Instagram to spread the message of feminism and inclusivity regardless of gender identity.

What this means in my opinion is that different types of art including sculpture, digital, photography, and many others are all meant to be powerful in their own ways. Personally, Micol’s are resonated more with me because as a woman it is empowering to see powerful feminist women putting facts of inequality into the world, and not watering it down for others but instead displaying it for all to see. Joseph's art is amazing especially in the new era of COVID where digital art is more greatly appreciated because we are on our devices and not able to physically go to installments or galleries.

