Wk 11 — Student Choice — Part 4


Attempt 1
Attempt 2

I think my weaknesses in the first attempt were that i was not using the proper techniques and made the piece a lot more complicated than it had to be.

I was not able to recieve feedback from classmates because my link on medium was changed. Instead I asked my friend who embroiders how I could improve, and she told me to use a different technique for the petals so that they would be more delicate and less bulky.

I tried to have a few marks that would guide my petals but mostly just try to be consistent with the technique. I also was able to do better french knots since the last time because I continued to practice after the last piece.

I think my second piece is much better because it is delicate and clean like the flower I recieved. What I was unhappy with the first time is how my petals came out and this time I was able to learn a much better techinique.



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