Wk2-Activity- Virtual: World

Odalys Chavez-Luna
2 min readSep 6, 2020


2. Some differences between the physical Long Beach State “Zoom University” include living at home, having all work basically be homework, and getting the full college experience. It is crazy that you start missing the smallest things and in my case I never thought I would miss was walking to class and simply smelling the trees. Something that is similar is that you still have to keep up with time management and more so now.

3. Some differences between Fortniteand Instagram are that on Instagram you interact with posts but on Fortnite you directly interact with people. On Fortnite you go to for more of a connection because you're not just following someone and liking their posts but rather you are interacting with them in real time. They are similar in that you do not need to have direct contact with that person and it is a lot safer during this pandemic.

4. A physical place such as Starbucks and a virtual play like Fortnite or both similar and different in many ways. They are similar in that you get to interact with people in real time and can even hang out with friends. They are different in that going to Starbucks is an experience that is tangible and you really get to interact not just with the people you go with, but also with workers and other customers. In my opinion virtual place experiences are good for now since they are much safer but I would much rather have physical ones.

5. This experience has given me new thoughts about the idea of what a place is especially concerning the current state of the world. I think that a virtual place is some thing that you get on such as getting on Instagram and liking pictures or getting on Fortnite and playing with your friends. To contrast, physical places are things you go to like going to Starbucks or the mall.

6. Facebook and Instagram would not be massively multiplayer online role-playing games because it is more of a social sharing platform rather than a interactive free world in the way that video games are.

7. Real life itself might seem like a multiplayer online role-playing game in that some people play in teams for sports in which they have to work together in a similar way that they do in video games but other than that it is not too similar.



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